You can also follow on Twitter, Subnautica Switch o n Facebook, and sign up for the Switch development newsletter for future updates! We’ll let you know as soon as the next Subnautica update is released on Switch. If you have any feedback or encounter any ongoing or reoccurring issues with crashes following this update, you can let us know through our in-game feedback, or on our Discord. It may take some time to show up in different regions around the world. This update is now live for Below Zero on Switch. Focus on areas of improvement that enhance performance.Optimization pass on core game structures including save files to reduce memory consumption and instability.Fixes for some issues or known bugs that may have resulted in a crash Ill admit that (much like the crpg genre) the survival genre isnt my particular cup of tea.Many of these updates wouldn’t be possible without the invaluable information you provide. We hope that the update will significantly reduce the number of crashes, but if you continue to experience any issues, we would appreciate your feedback as it helps us with troubleshooting and tracking down the causes. We worked really hard to try and address as many of the potential leads, both with our partners, Unity and Nintendo, and with our community. However, as many of these crashes are related to memory, it makes it difficult to determine their cause. Switch is a unique platform that has presented us with some new challenges and as a result, we wanted to spend additional time working on some systematic improvements that will hopefully address the main causes of these crashes. Our goal with this update was to address the feedback we’ve been receiving from our Switch players about the increased number of crashes during Below Zero gameplay. We’d like to extend our thanks for your continued patience while we worked on this patch. Thank you to all our players who reported these issues to us! This update also fixes a crash while saving from within a PRAWN suit with a propulsion cannon. updated IGNs complete Subnautica: Below Zero walkthrough will take you from the beginning of the game, getting to your drop pod after landing on Planet 4546B, through the. Dive into a freezing underwater adventure on an alien.
Update April 11 2022: We’ve released a hotfix to resolve a bug preventing players from reaching the end game. Unknown Worlds Entertainment presents the return to the world of 4546B with Subnautica: Below Zero.